In 1999, amidst the transformative landscape of Poland, my friend Bartosz Kuczek and I, former classmates from the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, reunited with a vision. With no capital but a burning ambition, we embarked on a mission to create something exceptional – a toilet air freshener gel infused with the authentic scent of fresh fruit.
We believed that the time of counterfeit and substandard products would come to an end, so we prioritized quality from day one. Using our combined savings, we acquired a dispenser and an agricultural mixer, which we ingeniously repurposed for the production of our toilet gel. This singular product was the cornerstone of our venture, determining our success or failure.
Reinvesting every penny earned back into the business, Bartosz and I focused on relentless development and expansion. In an era with no loans or willing investors in Poland, our commitment to excellence and innovation set us apart. We decided our hallmark would be the use of premium fragrance compositions, creating elixirs designed to bring a smile to our customers' faces. This ethos was embodied in the company's name: ELiXir, now known as the registered brand ELiX.
Our breakthrough came with our first major export customer, a discerning individual who tested each sample personally in his car. Samples that caused headaches were discarded, and those whose scents were unrecognizable without labels met the wastebasket. After six months of rigorous testing, the customer invited us for a meeting. We had succeeded, forging a partnership that remains strong to this day. Today, export sales account for over 80% of our total sales.
In April 2019, disaster struck. A stray cigarette butt, carried by the wind, ignited a fire that consumed the entire factory and its machinery. A firefighter remarked, "It was the nicest smelling fire." Undeterred, we immediately initiated a reconstruction plan. By the end of May, we resumed shipments, relying on handcrafting and borrowed machines. The entire ELiX team, alongside our suppliers and customers, banded together to overcome this challenge. Now, production is conducted exclusively on state-of-the-art machines.
In 2022, after relocating our entire plant to a new location to affirm our commitment to quality, we decided to pursue the BRC CE certificate, the most demanding certification for private label manufacturers of retail chains. The BRC certification (Global Standard for Consumer Products Personal Care and Household) is renowned for its rigorous standards, ensuring product safety, integrity, and legality. After a lengthy and challenging audit, we proudly achieved the AA Grade – making us the only manufacturer of air fresheners in Europe to attain this prestigious certification!
Today, Bartosz and I are living our passion, fully immersed in the world of fragrances. We revel in creating innovative solutions and sharing this joy with our clients. This is the story of ELiX, a testament to resilience, innovation, and unwavering commitment to quality.
Waldemar Stasiak
Estamos orgullosos de ser el único fabricante del sector de los ambientadores con certificación BRC CP e ISO para nuestros sistemas de gestión de la calidad y el medio ambiente.
También disponemos de un laboratorio de categoría mundial que ofrece servicios integrales de formulación, desarrollo de fragancias y cumplimiento de la legislación.
Nuestros perfumes se elaboran con los mejores ingredientes y cumplen las normas de calidad más exigentespor lo que son aptas para los mercados mundiales.
Ofrecemos asistencia completa de laboratorio para sacar al mercado productos conformes a la ley y a la normativa vigente. CLP / REACH normativas. Para los productos de marca blanca, crearemos fichas MSDS (ficha de datos de seguridad del producto) y sugeriremos el contenido de la etiqueta, para que cumpla los requisitos legales vigentes.
Producción de acuerdo con la GMP
De forma repetible y predecible
En armonía con el entorno natural
Utilizar energía procedente de fuentes renovables
Cualquier demanda, acción o procedimiento que pretenda hacer cumplir cualquier disposición de, o basado en cualquier asunto que surja de o en conexión con cualquier Acuerdo o las transacciones contempladas pueden ser presentadas en cualquier tribunal federal o estatal ubicado en Wrocław, Polonia, y cada una de las partes por la presente irrevocablemente consiente a la jurisdicción de dichos tribunales.
st. Teniente Coronel Stanisława Skarżyńskiego 26,
54-530 Wrocław, Polonia