How to identify the manufacturer from the middleman in the air freshener market?

When sourcing air fresheners or any fragrance-related products, it’s essential to ensure you’re working directly with the manufacturer. Manufacturers not only provide better pricing but also guarantee compliance and technical support that middleman simply cannot offer.

Here’s how you can identify a genuine manufacturer:

  1. Check for International Certifications: Reputable manufacturers have certifications like BRC Global Standards (BRC GS), ISO, or other industry-specific credentials. These certifications demonstrate that they follow stringent quality and safety standards.
  2. Evaluate Their Expertise: A manufacturer can answer specific technical questions within 48 hours. If you receive vague or delayed responses, you may be dealing with a middleman who has to relay your queries to the actual producer.
  3. Ask for the EUR.1 Certificate: This certificate confirms that the products were made in Europe, ensuring high-quality standards. Even if you don’t need it as a customer, a genuine manufacturer can provide this document, which is proof of their production capabilities and location.

By asking these questions and looking for certifications, you can confidently select a manufacturer who meets your needs. Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions—we’re here to help!

Waldemar Stasiak

Jak odświeżyć swoją garderobę, aby zapewnić jej długotrwałą świeżość?

A well-maintained wardrobe is not only about organized clothing but also about ensuring that everything smells fresh. The smell of a wardrobe often goes unnoticed until it becomes a problem, such as when clean clothes start to carry a musty odor. That’s why it’s worth taking care of your wardrobe’s scent. Fresh-smelling clothes can boost your mood and confidence, making it all the more important to keep them fresh. One of the best solutions is to use air fresheners specifically designed for wardrobes.

Why a Fresh-Smelling Wardrobe Matters

A wardrobe that smells good contributes to the overall ambiance of your home. When you open your wardrobe and are greeted by a pleasant scent, it enhances the experience of picking out an outfit and helps keep clothes smelling clean and crisp. Clothes stored in a musty or poorly ventilated wardrobe can absorb unpleasant smells, negating the effort you’ve put into washing them.

If you neglect to maintain freshness in your wardrobe, you might encounter the following issues:

The Benefits of Using Air Fresheners in Your Wardrobe

Using an air freshener in your wardrobe is an easy and effective way to combat bad odors and keep your clothes smelling fresh between washes. Air fresheners help to:

The Ideal Wardrobe Freshening Solution: ELiX Karta zapachowa

For those looking for a reliable solution, the Karta zapachowa by ELiX is the ideal way to freshen up your wardrobe and the clothes in it. This innovative product offers numerous benefits and is designed specifically for small spaces like wardrobes, ensuring that the air remains fresh and pleasant.

Why Choose the Karta zapachowa by ELiX?

How to Use ELiX Karta zapachowa

Using the Karta zapachowa is simple. Just place it in your wardrobe, either by hanging it on a rail or tucking it into a drawer or shelf. The card slowly releases fragrance, keeping your wardrobe fresh and your clothes free from unpleasant odors. Replace it every few weeks to maintain the freshness.

Conclusion: Why Choose the Karta zapachowa by ELiX?

In conclusion, maintaining a fresh wardrobe is key to ensuring your clothes stay clean and smell great between washes. The Karta zapachowa by ELiX offers an easy, cost-effective, and eco-friendly solution to keep your wardrobe smelling delightful. Its long-lasting, gentle fragrance not only neutralizes bad odors but also leaves your clothes feeling fresh and ready to wear. By incorporating the Karta zapachowa into your wardrobe care routine, you’ll avoid unpleasant smells, keep your wardrobe inviting, and enjoy the luxury of fresh-smelling clothes every day.

Freshen up your wardrobe today with ELiX’s Karta zapachowa and enjoy the difference it makes!

Jak wyeliminować zapach dymu papierosowego i odświeżyć swój dom?

Cigarette smoke can linger in your home long after the last puff, leaving behind a stubborn and unpleasant odor that can be challenging to eliminate. Whether you're a smoker yourself or dealing with lingering smells from previous occupants, there are effective strategies for banishing cigarette smoke odor and refreshing your living space. In this guide, we'll explore how to tackle cigarette smoke odors and introduce Aromatone Scent Systems as a solution for creating a beautifully fragranced home environment.

Clearing the Air of Cigarette Smoke Odor

  1. Ventilation: Start by opening windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate throughout your home. Proper ventilation is key to reducing the concentration of smoke particles in the air and helping to dissipate lingering odors.
  2. Deep Clean: Give your home a thorough cleaning to remove built-up smoke residue from surfaces, walls, and fabrics. Wash curtains, upholstery, and bedding using a combination of detergent and vinegar to help neutralize odors.
  3. Air Purifiers: Invest in high-quality air purifiers equipped with HEPA filters to capture smoke particles and other airborne contaminants. Place them strategically throughout your home, especially in areas where smoking occurs most frequently.
  4. Odor Absorbers: Use natural odor absorbers like baking soda, activated charcoal, or coffee grounds to help neutralize smoke odors. Place bowls of these substances in rooms affected by cigarette smoke and leave them overnight to absorb odors.

Introducing Aromatone Scent Systems

While these methods can help eliminate cigarette smoke odors, they may not always completely mask the smell or provide a long-lasting solution. That's where Aromatone Scent Systems come in:

Subscription Offer for Continuous Freshness

With Aromatone's subscription offer, you can enjoy continuous freshness in your home without the hassle of constantly replenishing supplies. Choose from subscription options for fragrance oils only or opt for the entire scent system package, and enjoy the convenience of having your ideal scents delivered straight to your door.


Don't let cigarette smoke odors dampen the atmosphere of your home. By implementing effective odor elimination strategies and investing in Aromatone Scent Systems, you can banish unwanted smells and create a beautifully fragranced environment that you'll love coming home to. Say goodbye to lingering cigarette smoke odors and hello to a fresh, revitalized living space that reflects your style and personality.

Jak utrzymać świeży zapach w domu z psami?

Będąc właścicielem zwierzęcia, normalne jest, że wstydzisz się śmierdzących zapachów w domu z powodu swoich zwierząt. 

Ale nie musisz się już martwić, ELiX jest tutaj, aby uratować dzień i pomóc Ci w świeżo pachnącym domu z psami! 

Istnieje wiele powodów, dla których Twój dom może nieprzyjemnie pachnieć z powodu Twojego zwierzaka. Ale wszystkie te powody mają rozwiązania, które czynią cuda, aby Twój dom był wolny od nieprzyjemnych zapachów i pachniał świeżo. 

Dzięki odświeżaczom powietrza ELiX i kilku łatwym i szybkim wskazówkom możesz pożegnać się z nieprzyjemnymi zapachami pozostawianymi przez zwierzęta i przywitać się ze świeżo pachnącym domem!

Na tym blogu przedstawimy kilka łatwych i szybkich wskazówek, dzięki którym można usunąć wszystkie nieprzyjemne zapachy w domu i utrzymać przyjemny zapach nawet ze zwierzętami w pobliżu.

Przyjrzyjmy się więc szczegółowo zaleceniom i zakazom dotyczącym aromatycznego domu!

Regularne dbanie o czystość w domu

Wiem, że wydaje się to dość oczywiste, gdy słyszysz, jak ktoś mówi: "Utrzymuj swój dom w czystości", ale jest to jeden z najlepszych, najtańszych i najprostszych sposobów zapobiegania osadzaniu się zapachu zwierząt domowych na meblach i w każdym zakamarku domu. 

Jest to tak proste, jak ustalenie rutyny sprzątania domu i trzymanie się jej. Obejmuje to mopowanie, pranie, odkurzanie i ścieranie kurzu. Należy odkurzać wszystkie zasłony, maty, dywany, wykładziny itp. co najmniej trzy razy w tygodniu, aby usunąć z nich całą sierść zwierząt. 

Podłogi z twardego drewna należy zamiatać i myć co najmniej raz dziennie. Co kilka miesięcy można również wynająć profesjonalną firmę sprzątającą w celu dogłębnego wyczyszczenia dywanów.

Nic nie zatrzymuje zapachów dłużej niż tkanina. Najlepszym sposobem na czyszczenie tkanin jest przede wszystkim utrzymywanie ich w czystości. 

Oto kilka wskazówek, dzięki którym tkanina nie będzie brzydko pachnieć:

Oto kilka sposobów na świeży zapach w domu:

Czyszczenie w razie wypadku

Jeśli szczeniak lub starszy szczeniak miał wypadek, użyj gazet lub ręcznika papierowego, aby wchłonąć mocz. Jeśli to możliwe, możesz użyć starego dywanu lub kawałka materiału pod dywan, aby lepiej wchłonąć mocz. Zapachy mają tendencję do utrzymywania się przez dłuższy czas na dywanach i wykładzinach, jeśli pozostaną w niezmienionej formie. Oto kilka wskazówek dotyczących usuwania zapachów po wypadkach:

Jeśli właśnie kupiłeś nowy dywan, rozpylanie na nim octu lub sody oczyszczonej może nie być dobrym pomysłem. W takich przypadkach rozsądnym rozwiązaniem jest skorzystanie z usług pralni chemicznej. 

Jest dostępny na rynku i ma teksturę przypominającą trociny i ziarnistą konsystencję, która działa cuda, pomagając wchłonąć płynne wycieki, plamy i zapachy z włókien dywanu. 

Ponieważ ma suchą teksturę zamiast mokrej, nie musisz się martwić o zmywanie go z podłogi, a gdy już wykona swoją pracę, wszystko, co musisz zrobić, to raz odkurzyć obszar. 

Postaraj się wybrać środek do czyszczenia dywanów, który jest bezpieczny dla wielu rodzajów włókien, takich jak sizal, wełna itp.

Gdy mocz zostanie wchłonięty w jak największym stopniu, użyj wysokiej jakości neutralizatora zapachów, takiego jak ELiX PET NEUTRALIZER W SPRAYU.

Utrzymywanie otwartych okien w celu zapewnienia odpowiedniej wentylacji:

Utrzymywanie otwartych okien w celu ułatwienia wentylacji jest dosłownie jednym z najprostszych i najtańszych sposobów na utrzymanie domu wolnego od nieprzyjemnych zapachów. 

Możesz także włączyć wentylator sufitowy, aby zapewnić lepszą cyrkulację powietrza w całym domu.

Korzystanie z oczyszczacza powietrza:

Pozostawienie otwartych okien nie zawsze jest dobrym pomysłem i może okazać się problematyczne, ponieważ pozwala owadom wejść do domu, a jest jeszcze gorzej, jeśli masz alergie na zewnątrz. 

Jeśli z jakiegoś powodu nie możesz otworzyć okien, nieprzyjemne zapachy mogą mieć trudności z opuszczeniem domu. 

Aby rozwiązać ten problem, lepszym i zdrowszym rozwiązaniem jest zainwestowanie w dobrej jakości oczyszczacz powietrza. Oczyszczacz powietrza zmniejszy ilość alergenów i kurzu dostających się do domu, czyniąc go przyjemniejszym miejscem do życia.

Należy pamiętać, że filtr oczyszczacza powietrza należy wymieniać co kilka miesięcy, aby uzyskać optymalną wydajność. 

Regularne dbanie o czystość zwierząt domowych

Wydaje się to oczywiste, ale jak często czyścisz łapy swojego zwierzaka za każdym razem, gdy wraca ze spaceru na świeżym powietrzu? 

Prawdopodobnie niezbyt często. 

Nadszedł czas, aby nabrać nawyku czyszczenia łap swojego zwierzaka za każdym razem, gdy wraca do domu z zewnątrz. Gdy zaczniesz to robić, z pewnością zauważysz ogromną różnicę w wyglądzie i zapachu mebli i podłogi. Wpływa to również na ogólny zapach w domu. 

Zwierzęta należy regularnie czesać. Szczotkowanie sierści zwierzęcia przynajmniej raz na kilka dni jest koniecznością. Pomaga to usunąć kurz i luźne włosy z sierści. 

Jeśli chodzi o kąpiel zwierzęcia, należy skonsultować się z weterynarzem, jak często należy kąpać i szczotkować zęby zwierzęcia. 

Można również używać chusteczek pielęgnacyjnych, które pomagają usunąć nieprzyjemny zapach zwierzęcia. 

Przysmaki do czyszczenia zębów są również dobrą opcją zamiast ręcznego szczotkowania zębów, jeśli zwierzęta są wybredne.

Używaj odświeżaczy powietrza lub dezodorantów dla zwierząt domowych 

Dzięki gamie dezodorantów i odświeżaczy powietrza ELiX możesz uwolnić się od stresu związanego z tym, jak sprawić, by Twój dom ładnie pachniał. Nasze odświeżacze powietrza są wykonane z naturalnych materiałów, które nie podrażniają ani nie szkodzą futrzanym przyjaciołom i działają cuda, aby wyeliminować wszelkie nieprzyjemne zapachy z domu.

Jeśli pomimo podjęcia wszelkich możliwych środków zapobiegawczych nadal czujesz zapach swoich zwierząt na meblach, wykonaj następujące kroki:

Dlaczego warto wybrać ELiX do eliminacji zapachów zwierząt domowych?

Pamiętaj, że zapobieganie jest głównym składnikiem utrzymania świeżego i przyjemnego zapachu w domu. Jeśli jednak dojdzie do wypadku, my w ELiX, jako dostawcy zapachów do powietrza, zapewniamy odpowiednie narzędzia potrzebne do natychmiastowego wyeliminowania nieprzyjemnego zapachu.

Wybierz ELiX już dziś!

Drive in Style: Twój najlepszy przewodnik po wyborze idealnego zapachu do samochodu

In the fast-paced world of today, where we spend a significant amount of time in our cars, turning our vehicles into places where we can enjoy a pleasant scent has become more of a necessity than a luxury.

Car fragrances and air fresheners play a crucial role in transforming our driving experience, making it more enjoyable and refreshing.

In this blog, we will take a deeper look into the reasons why these little wonders are a must-have, explore the benefits they offer, discover the variety available and guide you in finding the perfect fragrance for your unique taste.

Car Air Fresheners - Why Do We Need Them?

Think about the following situation: A day filled with work challenges, a taxing commute and the moment you sink into your car for the trip home. What if that confined space could transform from a place of stress to a place of calm, instantly uplifting your spirits and infusing a positive aura? 

This is where the magic of car air fresheners comes into play.

These basic yet powerful products have the unique capacity to transform the interior of your car into a soothing haven, making your drive not just a journey but an experience brimming with joy.

When we think about the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, where every moment counts, the significance of changing our cars from a place of stress to a place of sheer comfort cannot be overstated.

Car air fresheners play an important role in this transformative process. They go beyond being mere accessories. They build a delightful ambiance around you that accompanies you through every moment of your journey.

These subtle additions hold a power that goes beyond the olfactory senses—they contribute to your well-being by turning your car into a personal retreat.

What are the Benefits of Car Air Fresheners?

Enhanced Driving Experience:

A Journey Beyond the Ordinary

Taking a drive can be more than just a routine—it can be a delightful journey. 

Imagine your car filled with a pleasant fragrance, creating an atmosphere that transforms your whole vibe and mood. ELiX air fresheners excel at this, ensuring your time on the road becomes a positive and inviting experience, making each drive more enjoyable.

Elimination of Unwanted Odors:

A Fresh Start Every Time

Life brings spills, food odors and unexpected smells. However, with ELiX car air fresheners, these unwelcome odors are effectively neutralized and replaced, guaranteeing a fresh and clean environment. Say goodbye to lingering odors and say hello to a car that always feels brand new.

Mood Upliftment:

A Blissful Aroma Retreat

Fragrances possess a remarkable power—they can influence our emotions. A carefully chosen scent in your car can uplift your mood, reduce stress and transform your vehicle into a place of joy. Let ELiX air fresheners create an ambiance that not only soothes your senses but elevates your overall well-being during every drive.

First Impressions Matter: 

A Fragrant Beginning

The importance of first impressions cannot be overstated. The moment you open your car door, a pleasant fragrance sets the stage for a positive encounter. Whether it is a business meeting or a date, ELiX ensures that the first impression is a fragrant and lasting one, leaving everyone who enters your vehicle with a positive memory.

Types of Car Fragrances: 

Now that we recognize the significance of car air fresheners, let's explore the variety of fragrances you can choose from:

Citrus Delight:

Energize Your Drive

For those seeking an energetic burst, there are fresh and zesty citrus scents. 

From the lively notes of lemon to the invigorating aroma of orange and grapefruit, these fragrances create a vibrant atmosphere, turning your car into a haven of energy. As a hanging car air freshener manufacturer, we offer exactly what you need.

Vanilla Bliss: 

Cozy Comfort on Wheels

Experience warmth and sweetness with vanilla fragrances. Perfect for creating a cozy ambiance during long drives or evening commutes, these scents add a touch of comfort, making your car a welcoming retreat.

Ocean Breeze:

A Breath of Freshness

Opt for ocean-inspired fragrances if you crave a clean and refreshing scent. These scents bring a breath of fresh air to your car, making it feel like a coastal retreat—a perfect choice for those who appreciate the invigorating power of the sea.

Floral Elegance:

Sophistication in Every Drive

For lovers of subtle floral beauty, opt for floral scents that are available in a wide variety, ranging from lavender to rose. Take your driving experience to the next level with these elegant fragrances, adding a hint of sophistication to your car interior.

Finding Your Perfect Fragrance: A Personal Journey with ELiX

Choosing the best fragrance for car is your personal journey and ELiX is your trusted car air freshener manufacturer. Committed to quality and sustainability, ELiX air fresheners go beyond merely masking odors—they transform your car into a source of pure freshness. 

Consider the following tips when selecting your ideal fragrance:

Personal Preferences:

A Scent That Speaks to You

Your favorite scents reveal a lot about your personality. Choose a fragrance that resonates with you, bringing joy to your senses and making each drive uniquely yours.

Seasonal Appeal:

Scents for Every Season

Different seasons call for different scents. In the summer, opt for refreshing and light fragrances, while the winter invites warmer, cozier scents. Let ELiX accompany you through the changing seasons with a fragrance that suits every mood.

Duration of Freshness:

Long-Lasting Pleasure

ELiX air fresheners are crafted for enduring freshness. Consider the duration of the fragrance to ensure a consistent and enjoyable experience during your drives. With ELiX, every journey is a pleasure that lingers.

Environmental Consciousness:

ELiX's Green Commitment

Our team at ELiX, of car air freshener suppliers, takes pride in manufacturing air fresheners in harmony with the natural environment. Your commitment to sustainability aligns with ELiX's values. Choose products that not only enhance your driving experience but also contribute to a greener, more eco-friendly world.

ELiX: More Than Just Fragrance

Embark on the enriching journey of selecting the perfect car fragrance and uncover the unique story woven into ELiX. Built upon the pillars of quality and an unwavering passion for fragrance, we have evolved into a reliable ally for businesses globally. With a variety of products, such as fragrance spray for car, hanging fragrance for car, scents for car freshener, etc, we have served clients globally.

With certifications such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, ELiX ensures that each product is carefully manufactured, adhering to the most rigorous standards in the industry.

Our Commitment to Environmental Harmony and Exceptional Quality

At ELiX, the commitment to environmental sustainability seamlessly intertwines with the dedication to providing products of the highest quality. Our founders, driven by a vision of crafting elixirs that bring delight and joy to customers, have worked hard to deliver air fresheners that not only meet but exceed expectations.

At ELiX, we do what we love—immersing ourselves in the world of fragrances.

We have been sharing the joy of creating innovative solutions with our clients for decades. Our commitment to quality and passion for fragrance form the essence of ELiX.


In the world of air fresheners and car fragrances, there is no shortage of options, but our goal remains the same—to elevate your driving experience and create a welcoming environment inside your vehicle.

As you navigate through the enchanting variety of scents curated by ELiX, remember that your choice extends beyond mere fragrance; it mirrors your personality, sets your mood and signifies your dedication to a more enjoyable journey on the road.

Why settle for the ordinary when ELiX offers extraordinary scents?

Dlaczego ludzie używają odświeżaczy powietrza?

Imagine walking into a beautifully designed office space. The decor is elegant, the furniture is polished, but there's one thing missing - a pleasant fragrance. That's where air fresheners come into play. They not only mask unpleasant odors but also create a welcoming environment for employees and visitors alike. Whether it's a floral scent or a refreshing citrus aroma, air fresheners can transform any space into a more pleasant and inviting one. Business owners understand the importance of creating a positive first impression, and that's why they rely on air fresheners to enhance the overall experience. So the next time you step into a well-fragranced office, remember the impact that air fresheners can have on our senses and the impression they leave.

Author: Waldemar Stasiak - ELiX Founder

Copyright © by ELiX Ltd.

🌿🔬 Natural vs. Synthetic: The Truth About Essential Oils and Pictograms 🔬🌿

Did you know that natural and synthetic raw materials are classified the same way? When it comes to mixtures, air fresheners, and essential oils, they all need to be labeled in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008.

The classification of these products is based on the raw materials used, whether they are natural or synthetic. Both types of raw materials undergo rigorous testing to ensure their impact on human health, life, and the environment. Each raw material is then classified accordingly.

You might be surprised to learn that even natural raw materials, like essential oils, are highly concentrated natural extracts. The concentrations of raw materials listed in the law are incredibly high. This means that, in general, there is no true natural fragrance oil that doesn't have any pictogram.

However, here's where things get interesting. Many customers actively seek out products without pictograms because they believe that these products are "natural". And this is where some companies try to hide the true characteristics of their products from the consumer.

I believe in transparency and providing accurate information about our products. We want our customers to make informed choices and understand the true nature of what they're purchasing. That's why we label our products according to regulations and provide clear and concise information about the ingredients used.

So the next time you come across a product claiming to be "natural" without any pictograms, remember that true transparency lies in understanding the regulations and ensuring that all products are labeled accordingly. Let's empower consumers with knowledge and make informed decisions together!

Waldemar Stasiak

Zapach nowego samochodu

For the real car enthusiast, the smell of a new car's interior is just as important as its equipment or styling. It is a feature that often identifies a brand. ELiX, a Polish manufacturer of air fresheners and a specialist in this sector, explains how manufacturers create that special aura in their cars.

The smell of a car interior is a very complex subject. It is largely made up of the individual smells of the components used in the manufacturing process and the smell of car interior care products. Already at this stage, some manufacturers select suppliers and materials by choosing those that are aromatically compatible with strict guidelines.

Quality is also about the right smell

In the case of premium brands, the quality of the materials used to finish the interior is assessed comprehensively. It's a full spectrum of experiences to meet the client's expectations. It is not only a question of the technological usability of a given part, but also of aesthetics (visual, tactile) and also precisely the smell. This means that manufacturers of premium brands do not leave fragrance to chance. It can be said that they manage it extremely effectively.

It is important to remember that in a certain class of car, the interior scent of the vehicle must be consistent with the brand image and the quality of the finish. This is the most important element of fragrance management - the coherence of the fragrance with the interior design. Even if organic leathers are used, they can also have a refined fragrance that creates a unique atmosphere and gives pleasure to the brand or model.

Classy means discreet

It is extremely important, as manufacturers have already learned, to manage the intensity of the fragrance. The fragrance of the interior elements should be extremely delicate and long-lasting. So that the user recognises it when entering the vehicle and then, thanks to adaptive mechanisms, stops recognising it in a few minutes. Nowadays, good-quality components can smell for up to more than a year, all thanks to the use of special odour carriers that are resistant to high temperatures. This refers to the production stage - for example, the plastic injection stage.

A very interesting technology is the scents released only when the item is touched. They are most commonly used for any textile or leather items

Fragrance helps to sell

The right vehicle interior scent creates a pleasant atmosphere that remains in the emotional memory much longer than technical descriptions and often helps to sell cars.

According to research, fragrance fulfils its 'marketing' role in two cases. Firstly, when it 'fits the brand' and is compatible with the interior furnishings, and secondly, when its intensity is well chosen. This is illustrated by the accompanying graph of perceived odour intensity - we are interested in level 3, that is, when the perceiver is on the verge of identifying what and how they smell.

Range 0-1

An area where the intensity of the odour is so low that we feel nothing (but animals can already identify such low concentrations of odour).

Range 1-2

The most interesting range of odour concentration, where we are unable to identify the source of the odour. While we cannot define it, we already perceive it emotionally as something positive (it's pleasant) or negative (be careful, or don't eat); this level triggers a kind of premonition, which some call a sixth sense.

Range 2-3

The range within which we can identify a smell and describe it, and clearly know what emotions and memories it is associated with. This is the extent of the effect of well-chosen perfumes or properly applied air fresheners.

Range 3-4

The level that starts to become a nuisance; we have too much fragrance intensity and, regardless of the type of fragrance, we are not comfortable with it. It's a case of taking a lift with someone who has spilled a whole bottle of perfume on themselves - "it supposedly smells good but gives you a headache".

Range 4 and more

Determines the odour concentration at which the pain threshold is exceeded. Regardless of the type of fragrance, the reflex reaction is to want to leave the place with that concentration of smell.

Exaggerated intensity is perceived as bad or even worse than a bad smell. In general, the most important thing for car manufacturers is to create a friendly, good-quality place where we feel comfortable. The same principle should be followed when individually selecting fragrances for cars, rooms or our personal perfumes - Waldemar Stasiak - ELiX

Which scent do you like best?

A very good example is the so-called New Car fragrance, which has evolved from a heavy leather scent into a lighter men's perfume. And there is a justification for this, as there are no leather elements in popular cars and the smell seemed artificial. On the other hand, the scent of men's perfume with a hint of luxurious leather gives the interior a pleasantly calm atmosphere and is universally accepted by men and women alike.

Jak zapach może sprzedać Twoją markę?

Running a business is directly linked to growth. Sales growth of 27%, that sounds proud! And these are the kind of results that virtually any entrepreneur can achieve if they believe that fragrance really helps sell your brand!

Man is an emotional being who is guided only to a limited extent by cold calculation. We perceive the world through the prism of our beliefs, ideas we have heard, and our senses. Sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell are what helps us experience life, and in the past have been one of the foundations for the survival of the human species. Still, many entrepreneurs are afraid to bet on the customer's experience with the company in a wider context. 

The first impression effect!

Today, competitive advantages are even more strongly determined by details. Access to technology, as well as production processes, is more widespread than ever before, so the details will determine why consumers choose your brand. 

What does your head office look like, what do the people who first come into contact with the customer represent. Very important, and perhaps even more important, are non-verbal impressions. It's what music reaches our ears, what we feel when we step through the company's doors. Are all these elements consistent with each other? This is why aroma plays such an important role in the branding process. 

Emotions and impressions - this is what drives us

Once we have taken care of the emotional sphere and built a good first impression, this needs to be maintained. Sometimes professional salespeople in perfumeries of brands recognized throughout Europe make a basic mistake in communicating with the customer - they refer directly to the product, i.e. the fragrance, instead of asking about the sensations that come from smelling a particular fragrance note. 

This demolishes the whole intricately created effect at the outset, as most customers feel lost at this point and do not quite know how they are supposed to answer such a poorly asked question. In this area, we may miss the opportunity to close the deal. Therefore, in selecting a fragrance for your brand, pay attention to olfactory memory. 

We like what we already know

Olfactory memory is a phenomenal process because it remains constant throughout life. Based on the aromas we perceive, our mind can assess danger, if only in the form of the smell of gas, or recall wonderful moments by the ocean when we smell the aroma of the sea breeze. 

This is why you need to focus on positive impressions when choosing a fragrance for your brand, because verbal and non-verbal experiences will create the anchors in the customer's mind described in psychology - company X is very good and friendly - even though, on further reflection, we don't quite know why we think so. 

"As emotional creatures who are partly guided in their lives by the rational side of their minds, we rely primarily on very primal instincts. In branding, awareness of the potential of fragrances helps to develop a unique competitive advantage over other companies. At the same time, the specifics of each industry are so unique that virtually most companies can use their own fragrance lines as the hallmark of their business," says Waldemar Stasiak president of ELiX.

Dlaczego outsourcing produkcji odświeżaczy powietrza to najlepszy wybór dla Twojej firmy?

If you are looking for a way to boost your sales and profits with air fresheners, you might want to consider outsourcing the manufacturing process to an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). Here are some of the benefits of doing so:

You can save time and money by letting the OEM handle the production, packaging, and shipping of your air fresheners. You don't have to worry about investing in expensive equipment, hiring skilled workers, or managing quality control.

You can focus on your core competencies and marketing strategies. You can use your creativity and expertise to design your own unique air fresheners, choose the best fragrances and ingredients, and promote your brand to your target audience.

You can access the latest technology and innovation from the OEM. You can benefit from their experience and know-how in creating high-quality air fresheners that meet the standards and expectations of your customers. You can also request for customized solutions that suit your specific needs and preferences.

You can expand your product range and reach new markets. You can offer a variety of air fresheners to your customers, such as spray, gel, paper, or car air fresheners. You can also explore new opportunities and niches in the global market with the help of the OEM.

Outsourcing air freshener manufacturing to an OEM is the best choice for your business if you want to grow and succeed in this competitive industry. You can enjoy the advantages of having a reliable partner who can provide you with quality products at affordable prices. Contact us today to find out how we can help you achieve your goals!

Waldemar Stasiak

#ELiX is Now Certified Plastic Neutral: A New Milestone in Our Eco Journey

At ELiX, we’re not just about intention, we’re about action. That’s why we’re proud to announce that we have joined Plastic Bank, a global movement that empowers communities to stop ocean plastic while improving lives.

Plastic Bank is a social enterprise that builds ethical recycling ecosystems in coastal areas around the world. Plastic Bank reveals the value in plastic and creates a circular economy for recycled plastic.

By partnering with Plastic Bank, we have achieved Plastic Neutral certification, which means that for every ELiX product you buy, we pay for the equivalent of 3 plastic bottles to be collected and recycled. This way, we are preventing plastic from entering the ocean and supporting vulnerable communities with a dignified income.

This certification is a new milestone in our eco journey. We have always been committed to reducing our plastic consumption and using eco-friendly packaging for our products. But we know that this is not enough. There is still a lot of plastic waste out there that needs to be dealt with before it reaches the ocean.

Every time you choose ELiX, you are choosing to make a positive impact on the planet and its people. You are choosing to be part of the solution.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. Together, we can make a difference and save the Planet.

Waldemar Stasiak

Zmiana klimatu wewnątrz samochodu

ELiX – a Polish manufacturer of the highest quality air freshments - points to the latest market trends in this industry and suggests how to express itself better and underline its image by smell.

For many years, “car fresheners” have been a prescription for covering the not-so-pleasant odour emitted by worn-out vehicles. Dilapidated interiors hung with countless scented Christmas trees have even become the subject of hilarious memes. But after all, not everyone drives an old taxi or a crowded suburban bus. The elegant user of a clean car, the passionate motorist requires something more subtle. Something like a carefully selected air freshener. In some countries, the term “car perfume” is used here - in the case of well-maintained interiors, it seems even more fitting.

Strong air fresheners in elegant interiors are a bit like an elephant in a china shop. With their intense aroma, they cover everything, passing even onto the users’ clothes. In summer, it can even be fun when the intense smell of vanilla indicates where the nearest taxi stopping point is.

Scent – a tasteful addition

Good quality car air fresheners and perfumes have a completely different purpose. They are discreet and do not replace a visit to an in-car spa but complement it. Properly selected, they can accentuate the delicate scent of natural leather upholstery, blend perfectly into the unique aroma of a new car, and complement the elegant, clean interior into which passengers board. If someone cares about their car and considers it an important part of their image, they should not forget the right scent for it. Since you can spend hundreds or even thousands of zlotys on perfumes and eau de toilette, why not make sure you enjoy the unique aroma of a clean, manicured car interior every day?

First of all, do no harm!

This very popular medical recommendation also fits the air freshener industry. Good freshener do not cause headache because they do not contain harmful substances. Indeed, it appears that the cause of irritation is not usually caused by the intense scent itself, but by the chemicals used in its production (e.g. different types of solvents). ELiX products will be manufactured in a manner that is safe for health, as confirmed by the relevant ISO certificates.

When buying other products, it is worth paying attention to the packaging. European manufacturers generally follow procedures and only use substances from the register of substances authorised for use in Europe (REACH package of laws) in their air fresheners. Imported freshements – especially those ordered via the Internet – may contain “surprises” resulting in, for example, headache.

Aromatic, but without exaggeration!

The fact that a person stops smelling a particular scent after several minutes is natural and a result of our anatomy. We simply get used to a particular aroma. To maintain the olfactory sensations, use air fresheners that are too strong, but replace the aroma with a different one from time to time or... don't care of it, because if you leave the car, you will smell the air freshener again when you return because your senses will “cleanse”.

With aroma it is like with sound. A gentle one caresses the senses, a slightly more intense one can improve the mood, but too strong causes discomfort and even pain. ELiX recommends the use of mild scent notes and cautions against any exaggeration. 

Waldemar Stasiak, ELiX

Może zmienić nastrój 

Car manufacturers are well aware of the importance of the car scent. Leading brands distinguish themselves from budget brands by, among other things, just of the interior smell. Instead of cheap plastics, feel the unique aroma of a “new car”. Interestingly, scent can significantly influence the mood and concentration of the driver. Studies are becoming more and more frequent which show that grass or perfume scents can disperse the driver and that citrus and coffee notes make it possible to focus better on the road.
