How to create a private label / white label air freshener

Do you dream of creating your own air freshener so that it is branded with your brand and your logo?

I suggest some simple steps to make the whole process go smoothly and quickly.

The first and most important question: for what purpose do you need such an air freshener?

If you are looking for an air freshener to give out to your customers as a promotional gadget - go straight to a company that produces such ordinarily paper air fresheners. You will probably already be able to make your choice of shape on their website and send them your logo.

However, if you are looking for refreshers that you intend to market and sell successfully, keep reading.

Creating a private label product is a complicated process, to make it as simple as possible, start by choosing the right first product. Check which air fresheners sell best, remembering that value is important, not quantity. Therefore, I encourage you to browse the available air fresheners and look for something more attractive than a typical paper air freshener. It can be a sachet, bottle or organic - the effect will always be better than a standard paper air freshener.

Paper air fresheners, sachet air fresheners, scented bottle air fresheners, organic air fresheners, all other solutions

The steps for finding the type of your first custom air freshener should include:

  1. type of air freshener (paper, bottle, sachet, gel, wood)
  2. fragrance versions - those that are the best-selling on your market, I suggest limiting yourself to no more than 5 fragrance versions
  3. your product positioning on the market - do you want your air freshener to be better and more expensive than the ones currently available, identical or just cheaper.
  4. your monthly sales plan, that is how many units of your air freshener you can sell per month

If you already know the answer to these 4 questions you can start your search for a manufacturer.

The search for the right manufacturer as usual starts on the internet. Before submitting a request, carefully review the manufacturer's website evaluating if:

  1. it has experience in manufacturing private label air fresheners.
  2. its location - the country of origin of your air fresheners

Now you can send inquiries. Send them in any form you like, but always state what you're looking for in the query - your answers to the first 4 questions.

Choosing a manufacturer

You have already sent inquiries and are getting first responses and quotes. At this stage do not decide yet on the choice of the supplier.

Ask for samples of agreed fragrance versions - this is where the first costs come in on your side - it will be the cost of sending the samples to you, the samples themselves you will probably get for free.

Test the samples you receive - now you know what to expect from each potential manufacturer.

Now is the time to detail your ideas for your own air freshener with the cost of changes and additional work on the part of the manufacturer. Now you will receive the final offer and price.

Now, make sure that you get support from the manufacturer in developing and checking the text of your label to make sure that it complies with the current legislation in your target markets - this is extremely important as, for example, in Europe you cannot sell air fresheners that do not have a REACH compliant label description. Ask for the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) and see what regulations it is based on. Also check carefully whether the manufacturer you are talking to really produces anything. For example, if it comes from Europe, can it issue a EUR1 certificateA good way to verify is to make an appointment at the manufacturer's facility - if you have time, you go, if not - nothing happens. Those who won't confirm an appointment usually have something to hide.

Lead time - the time it takes to produce your air freshener. This always takes time. Better to wait a week longer and confirm all the details twice than to get a product that does not fully meet your expectations! Take your time and the final effect will depend on it. A good manufacturer will guide you and ask the right questions or suggest their proven solutions for packaging, transportation, and labeling of the bulk packaging.

You already know everything, you can now choose a supplier and place your order!

Author: Waldemar Stasiak - ELiX Founder

Copyright © by ELiX Ltd.

Jak skutecznie pozbyć się zapachu dymu w domu

The winter season is a typical time when the unpleasant smell of smoke coming out of heating devices appears in houses.

Heating devices that are used for heating purposes are:

There are many proven industrial methods such as water absorption, ozone, thermal oxidation or masking. Unfortunately, it is not possible to use them at home.

Due to the source of the odor of smoke at home, we can distinguish:

 How to effectively get rid of the smell of smoke

Air recuperation system

Installation of the recuperation system with heat recovery is the most effective method of dealing with the smell of smoke in the house. Such system provides fresh, filtered air from outside. Additionally, thanks to the fact that the air removed from the house heats the blown-in air, we minimize the losses resulting from the need for heating. The efficiency of such devices is at the level of 80%, which means that they are able to recover up to 80% of heat. More on this topic: Heat recovery ventilation - Wikipedia

Smoke odor neutralization

There are air fresheners available on the market, thanks to which smoke particles change their properties and cease to be annoying. Most good air fresheners in antitobacco spray can be used here. The most commonly used keywords are: absorber, odor neutralizer, odor eliminator. Such measures, in addition to neutralizing the odor of smoke, give the room a smell, whether they are air fresheners with neutralization function. These measures are particularly effective to quickly remove the smell of smoke.

The second group are air fresheners with a continuous process of releasing the active substance. Here, the best solution may be all kinds of reed diffusor air fresheners, where evaporation is continuous. Thanks to this, we will also get rid of the smell that has permanently settled on various surfaces in the house: on the carpet, roller blinds or curtains, the sofa or other furniture.

Ionization and ozone devices

Air ozone devices always additionally filter them. However, due to the rather limited performance of such domestic appliances, they will not be able to effectively remove the odor of smoke.


Always remember to use a carbon monoxide sensor. Carbon monoxide does not have an odor, but it can accompany the smoke from a leaking installation. For as little as €10, the device can effectively warn us about the carbon monoxide accompanying the odor of smoke. It is important to think about your safety first and only then about your comfort.

Author: Waldemar Stasiak - ELiX Founder

Copyright © by ELiX Ltd.

Jak pozbyć się nieprzyjemnych zapachów w domu?

Neutralization of unpleasant smells at home is always an important issue. It is not true that the best solution here is to clean frequently and keep it spotless. Unpleasant smells will still enter our home.

The problem is particularly important because we often do not feel the smell of our house ourselves. Only guests can make us aware of the scale of the problem. Why is this happening?

It is a result of adaptation of our senses to the action of stimuli of constant strength - and this is most often the case with smells in our home. In the course of evolution an adaptive mechanism has been developed. This evolutionary invention made it possible to sense and interpret very strong fragrances while remaining sensitive to small changes in intensity. This quick reaction to a change of intensity determined the possibility of getting food, running away from danger or finding a partner. It had to be independent of the intensity of the sensations of constant intensity. In everyday life we encounter such situations very often.

Did you happen to take a cab where the intensity of the air fresheners used there caused a sudden headache (over the pain threshold)? - I assure you that the driver did not feel it at all. After entering such a car you were not able to smell any other smell, but the driver calmly recorded all the smells of used perfume or smelling an apple before eating it. This is how the adaptation mechanism works. It causes us not to smell any other smells of a constant intensity in order to be able to continue to register other appearing smells.

The time to fully adapt to different odor ranges from several seconds to several minutes. So if we do nothing, our guests will get used to our scents after just a dozen or so minutes (but the impression will stay for a long time)!

If we don't smell bad smells in our own house, how to get rid of them?

Removing unpleasant smells at home

Since we are already aware of and know how the mechanism of adaptation to fixed odors works, we have to look for sources of unpleasant odors. In general, we can distinguish between two types of sources of unpleasant odors:

  1. Unpleasant odors reaching our house from outside, these are usually odors whose origin is difficult or impossible to remove:Any odors produced by neighbors
    1. Traffic related odors
    2. Industry and its nuisance fumes
  2. Unpleasant smells arising in house
    1. Shoes
    2. Pets
    3. Food: cooking and waste
    4. Body odors
    5. Toilet as a separate topic
    6. Musty, damp

In my opinion, only a solution that continuously neutralizes the above mentioned odors can be effective in fighting such a defined problem.

From the neutralizers available on the market we should choose those with continuous action. Of course, all kinds of sprays give an immediate effect and should be used as a support.

  1. Gels - effective and cheap solution, especially recommended for toilets
  2. Membranes - here the range of forms and solutions is quite large, however due to the way the odor is released and the need to pass through the membrane, specially modified fragrance compositions, mainly synthetic, are used in Membranes
  3. Electric Air Fresheners - I am strongly opposed to such solutions. The so-called hot evaporation causes changes in the structure of fragrance compositions and essential oils used there. I personally do not recommend
  4. Automatic Sprays - a very interesting solution, especially if you can find one where no pressure can is used but a regular pump spray - it will certainly be an effective and ecological solution
  5. Reed Diffusers / Sola Flowers - in my opinion, definitely the best solution combining aesthetics with functionality. A very wide market offer will allow you to find the right solution. Be careful only to use those that contain natural essential oils.

During our talks, the subject of neutralizing unpleasant odors at home appears very often and more and more often we meet people looking for a natural and healthy solution.

Despite having natural Sola Flowers in our offer, we decided, together with herbal medicine specialists, to create a new series of natural home odor neutralizers on a herbal basis (Relaxeen brand) to combine the beneficial effects of herbs with effective action. This is the subject we are currently working on. If you have any suggestions or proposals in this area, feel free to contact me, maybe together we will create a new interesting solution.

Author: Waldemar Stasiak - ELiX Founder

Copyright © by ELiX Ltd.
